Carry Your Cross

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Our Culture Hates Truth

Our culture hates truth. 


These days it’s all about what makes “me” happy. Our world is all about emotions. Having your emotions drive your decision making is a very skewed philosophy on life. We are called to use our reason.


More often than not, if my faith comes up in conversation, I’ll get some response like, “I’m really glad that works for you. Honestly, it’s great that you have found something that makes you happy. Religion just isn’t for me.”


That response has always made me laugh. Don’t people know that there is an absolute truth?


We live in a morally relativistic society which claims that truth changes depending on one’s own beliefs and desires. But, when the elites want to claim their own truth, the whole world is expected to accept it as an objective fact. This is comical.


It’s terrible how warped our culture has become. There is no such thing as right and wrong anymore! Moral relativism is not only dangerous. It is deadly. It is a false ideology that is destroying souls. 


As Christians, we are called to witness to the objective truth of God, our heavenly Father. We are called to have our yes mean yes and our no mean no. We are called to take a stand against evil and serve the common good. In order for us to fight evil and further the good, we must accept that there is good and there is evil. That is an objective truth. The only way to witness to the kingdom of God is through the Gospel. In scripture, God showed us the highest good which is the way to heaven. In John 14:6 Jesus says “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Follow Christ and take a stand against the erroneous errors of this world. Trust me, you’ll want to be on God’s side when this is all over.


God bless and #carryyourcross