Carry Your Cross

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Don't Believe The Lies

To be “cool” in this culture, you must fit a certain image and profess a certain creed. 

You know what I’m talking about...Growing up it’s all about putting back beers with the boys, getting hammered, sleeping with as many girls as possible, and dabbling in party drugs when you’re young...because, well…”YOU’RE YOUNG, HAVE FUN!” These are some of the biggest lies that many of us are tricked into believing. 

The world and the media has glorified our sinful nature and has encouraged us to indulge in it. We are being deceived. 

Our culture has tossed morality to the side because we’ve tossed God to the side. We’ve thrown Him out of our lives and chosen to notice Him only when He’s convenient. We’ve allowed the culture to become our guide for life and morals. We’ve lived our lives according to what we see on Netflix and in Hollywood. We’ve been instructed that if we indulge in all our desires we will be happy and fulfilled. But who told us this? It was those who control the media, Hollywood, and the political “progressive” narrative.

Why are we following their evil ways? Why are we no longer following God’s way? Did we even know there was another option? We all believe in God. The question is….who is your God? Who’s creed do you profess? It’s time to take the red pill and WAKE UP! 

What happened to encouraging self-mastery over our desires? What happened to chivalry? What happened to encouraging men and women to be GODLY MEN AND WOMEN?! What happened to kneeling to God instead of kneeling to the mob? Our world is falling apart and it seems that nobody knows what to do about it!

God is calling us. It’s time to answer the call. The Church needs us more than ever. Step into the breach. Make no mistake, this is a war. Just as St. Paul tells us, not a war against humans but against Satan himself. See it for what it truly is. Open your eyes to the light that so many of us have been blind to for so long. The Devil is trying to destroy you through sin. He smiles at the thought of your slavery to his sinful temptations. 

If you choose this path of holiness, you will lose friends. When you walk away from the culture, they will say things about you behind your back for doing so. But, keep fighting valiantly. God is with you. And remember Christ’s words,  “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first”(John 15:18). 

Leaders choose the difficult roads that lead to great destinations. Even when others are afraid to do so. 

When we choose God, our path is to Heaven. When we choose the world, our path is to Hell. 

Choose wisely. Join the fight. God bless and #carryyourcross