Carry Your Cross

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The Confessional is a Place of Victory

Many don’t return to the confessional after their first confession.

A multitude of Catholics never truly learn what confession is all about. Looking back, I often thought it was kind of soft to go to confession. Sometimes, I would think, “I’m gonna go tell my sins to a priest? For what? The guy would probably run out of the church!”

About 5 years ago, my brother brought me back to confession. It was during a time when I was struggling in my life. I was not going to Mass. Nor was I receiving any of the other sacraments. I knew deep down the way I was living was not right. I was truly lost. 

Walking into that confessional, it felt a little foreign. It was my first time being behind that wall in a very long time. I laid it all on the table. I surrendered all my burden, while a bead of sweat dripped down my face. 

In the most comforting tone, the Priest thanked me for coming. He gave me some sound advice, guided me to do penance, and said those sweet words of salvation- words that hit me so hard for the very first time.

God, the Father of Mercies, Through the death and resurrection of his Son, has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Over the years, I’ve found the words that we may have heard when we were younger, when heard once again through more mature ears, blossom into something we can understand and truly appreciate. When I heard these words, I did not feel a sense of embarrassment or weakness. I felt overwhelming joy. And to be honest, a lot of other emotions as well.

We all sin. I sin. You sin. We are all imperfect beings. The confessional is like the soul’s bath (Padre Pio said that). What is so unbelievable about the sacrament of confession is once you experience it, you are spiritually pulled back, time and time again. It’s a good feeling. After a while, you can’t stay away from it-nor should you.

God knows we all fall. But, through his Church He gives this beautiful gift. This gift helps us dust ourself off and get back on our feet. God hates sin because it hurts us. Let that sink in. He doesn’t hate us when we sin. He wants us to be reconciled to Him and move forward. Then he wants us to try our absolute best to sin no more. That is mercy. That is love. 

If you haven’t been to confession in years, now is a great time to go back. I strongly encourage you to do it. It doesn’t make you weak. And fellas, it’s not “not manly.” Swallowing your pride, growing in humility, and coming before the God you serve is something only true men can do. 

People sometimes say “why not just go right to God?” It’s an excellent question with and excellent answer. Instead of typing everything here, I’d encourage you to watch the YouTube video below.

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