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8 Eucharistic Miracles That Will Strengthen Your Faith

70% of Catholics don't believe in Christ's true presence in the Holy Eucharist. (source)

To clear things up.

The Eucharist is NOT a symbol. It is the TRUE body, blood, soul, & divinity of Jesus Christ.

Think I'm crazy lunatic?

Here are 8 Eucharist Miracles that will blow your mind

Lanciano, Italy (8th century):

In the oldest recorded Eucharistic miracle, during Mass, the bread and wine transformed into real flesh and blood, which have been preserved to this day and subjected to scientific examination.

Bolsena, Italy (1263):

A priest doubting the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist witnessed blood seeping from the consecrated host, confirming the miracle and leading to the establishment of the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Siena, Italy (1730):

223 consecrated hosts have remained miraculously fresh and intact for nearly 300 years. On Aug. 14, 1730. Thieves infiltrated the basilica and stole the Tabernacle containing 351 consecrated hosts. Three days later, all 351 hosts appeared in the alms box.

Buenos Aires, Argentina (1996):

In a Catholic Church, a consecrated host fell on the ground out of a parishioner's hands and was placed in a container with water (proper practice), later discovered to have turned into human heart tissue.

Tixtla, Mexico (2006):

During Mass, a consecrated host began to bleed, surprising the attending priest and congregation with this Eucharistic miracle.

Sokółka, Poland (2008):

A consecrated host fell on the ground during Mass from the priest's hands and was placed in water, which later turned red as blood seeped from the host. An independent study found myocardial (heart) tissue of a living person who is nearing death.

Betania, Venezuela (1991):

After the consecration he noticed the host begin to bleed from one side. The priest quickly preserved the host and studied it to make sure it was a miracle. This video taken in 1998 is of the same host.

Legnica, Poland (2013):

A consecrated host that fell on the ground during Mass began to bleed, leading to a Eucharistic miracle officially recognized by the local bishop. (more info below)