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The Catholic's Guide to Confession (Step-by-Step)

Last updated: March 2024

This article is a how-to guide for how to prepare, partake, and reflect on a Catholic confession. There are 3 simple steps to make a good confession. I will outline them below.

Step 1: Prepare and Examine your conscience

Before entering the confessional, prepare your soul and mind. This starts with examining your conscience (see here), being truly sorrowful for your sins, and having a firm purpose to not commit these sins again.

One way to be truly sorrowful for your sins is to meditate on a detail of Jesus’s passion. Spend 5 minutes thinking about the crown of thorns on His head, one of His wounds, or his blood, sweat, and tears. This will help you feel the weight of your sin.

Step 2: Tell Your Sins

Enter the confessional, kneel behind the screen, and while making the sign of the cross say:

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been [however long] since my last confession.”

Next, tell the priest any mortal sins you have on your soul and any venial sins you wish to mention. Make sure to mention the number of times you have committed these sins as well.

Example: “I missed Mass 2 times and I gossiped about a friend 1 time.”

We should end our confession by saying “I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past life, especially for…” and then say sins you have previously been forgiven for. This is good to do because you continue to get the grace from confession to keep you out of sin.

Example: “especially for disobedience”

Absolution: The priest will then speak to you and often give some form of spiritual advice, and your penance. He will then give you absolution of your sins.

You will then say an Act of Contrition in a tone that the priest can hear you (below). It is important to remember that the priest is a vessel for Christ to work through. Act like you are speaking directly to Christ because you are.

The Act of Contrition Prayer

O my God,

I am heartily sorry

for having offended Thee,

and I detest all my sins

because I dread the loss of Heaven

and the pains of hell.

But most of all because they have offended Thee,

my God, Who art all good and

deserving of all my love.

I firmly resolve,

with the help of Thy grace,

to confess my sins,

to do penance,

and to amend my life.


Step 3: Thank God

Take at least 5 minutes to do your penance and sincerely thank God for forgiving your sins. Without Christ's death and resurrection, this would not be possible. Think about the priest's advice and pray for the grace to stay away from the sins you committed and confessed.

His sufferings paid the price so that you and I can have our sins forgiven.

Finally, it is recommended that you go to confession about once a month.

If you have not been going to confession and feel embarrassed or weak in confessing your sins, stop right there.

This is a lie.

It’s about the strongest and smartest thing you can do for your soul, your family, and the body of Christ.

To become the best version of yourself and unlock your God-given potential, you and I must root sin out of our lives.

God bless you.