Show Me Your Friends. I'll Show You Your Future.

            You’re the average of the 5 people you hang around most. That’s not necessarily a good or a bad thing. It’s neutral. If you’re hanging around a bunch of guys who are striving to be saints, then you’re in a good spot. If your closest friends don’t care about God, virtue, or anything holy, then they’re most likely rubbing off on you. And that’s a problem.

            So, be honest with yourself. Who are your friends? What do they talk about? What do they value? What are they striving towards? Is it money? Power? Fame? Honor? Or are they striving to get to heaven? You need the answers to these questions in order to assess what your friends are leading you towards. Maybe you’re not sure. If so, next time you’re with them, pay close attention to the conversation and their actions. Are there holy things at hand? Or is there glorification of sex, drugs, money, profanity, and over-indulgence of alcohol? 

            If your friends idolize things which are sinful, then they are leading you to sin. Don’t be naïve. It is foolish to have the attitude of “They do their thing and I do my thing. We’re not influencing each other into anything.” Our human nature is weak. Christ knows this more than anyone. That’s why in His agony in the garden he says about his apostles, “The soul is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). We are so easily influenced by everything we consume. Our environment almost single handedly determines our future thoughts, emotions, actions, etc. 

            Now, what if you’re friends are leading you to sin? What do you do? How do you deal with the problem? It’s not an easy situation to deal with. 

            The first thing you should do is pray. Ask God for guidance in your situation. He will answer. Another action to consider is using prudence as it pertains to the situations you put yourself in. If your buddies are going to put themselves in a situation you know you shouldn’t be in, don’t go. Be practical. Pick and choose which events you want to take part in. If they’re playing cards one night, maybe you go. If they’re going to the strip club, then it’s probably not a good idea that you join them. I think you get the point. 

            One last recommendation would be to find like-minded people. You don’t have to throw away your friend group. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t grow your network and hangout with people who are striving for holiness like you are. You absolutely should. Finding a group of friends who you can go to church with or hang out with to have those faith conversations will be extremely helpful. They will rub off on you, naturally, and make you a better person. 

            Never forget your final goal is heaven. Keep that in mind next time you’re with the guys. Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future. Remember that. Who do you want to be? Keep praying about it and strive for heaven. 



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