Carry Your Cross

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The Young People Will Save Our Church

We young people are living in an age where saints will be made.

We are a generation that had our morals and faith ripped from us. We grew up in a Godless society that taught us that wrong means right and right means wrong. 

Sadly what’s even worse, we’ve grown up in a Church that never properly taught us what it REALLY MEANS TO BE A CATHOLIC. Most self proclaimed “Catholics”’ have the slightest clue what the church teaches. Did you know that 70% of Catholics today do not believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist? Do you? Did you even know that is the case to begin with?

What went wrong? 

Why is Confirmation pretty much graduation day for young Catholics? Just MAYBE you’ll see them there again on Christmas or Easter.

There’s not just a crisis in our world. (Look at the streets). There’s a crisis in the church.  Many of us have grown up in parishes that frankly didn’t do enough to teach the faithful. Many of the Priests and Bishops don’t believe any of this stuff themselves. How could they? 

When someone believes what they preach. You can tell. They have reverence for what their role is in all of this. They make sure that the souls of their parish are their #1 priority. And Heaven is the destination.

Have you ever heard of Eucharistic Adoration? Do you know what time your parish has confessions available? Do you know your priest? Do you feel he REALLY wants you to get to Heaven?

Covid-19 has opened my eyes in many ways to how the church acts. If the Church cared as much about our souls as they do about our health. We’d sure be in a heck of a lot better place. 

We can take the time to tape off pews and build contraptions so that we remain 6 feet apart from each other. But we don’t have enough time to hold confessions for more than 30 minutes a week so that the faithful can get CLOSER to God. Even worse than that, we decided Church WAS NOT ESSENTIAL! The Eucharist and The Sacraments not ESSENTIAL! 

We young people were robbed. But don’t lose hope. Why are you here reading this? The internet has allowed us to get catechized and learn our faith in new ways never before available to us. Once we go down this path we slowly realize how much we missed along the way. A dying church is rapidly being revitalized by underground movements like Carry Your Cross hungry to restore the beauty of the Church as it used to be. 

You are a part of the new evangelization. It’s up to us to save our Church. To start a revolution. Saints are made in times like these. 

Bishop Fulton Sheen once said “ Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious.”

We must pray for our priests. When good priests stand up and say the right thing they get silenced. Their job isn’t easy. So we must hold our priests and bishops accountable as well. When they say something or do something against church teaching, go to them and ask them why. If they aren’t holding the sacraments as much as they should, go to them and ask them why and how can we give the sacraments more often. God will do the rest of the work.

So go forward. Learn your faith. Live your faith. And always remember, Christ is on your side. For the gates of Hell will never prevail. No matter how bad it looks. God Bless and Carry Your Cross.