Carry Your Cross

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Deliverance from Evil Spirits of Pornography

Deliverance from Evil Spirits of Pornography


Heavenly Father, I ask that you pour out the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus right now upon my memory, imagination, emotions, common sense power and cogitative power. I ask that these parts be completely flooded with the Most Precious Blood.  In the Most Holy Name of Jesus and through the power of the Most Precious Blood, I bind all evil spirits that may have attached to these parts or oppress them in any way, and I command you to leave me now and go straight to the foot of the cross. I call upon the Fire of the Holy Spirit right now to go through my memory, imagination, emotions, common sense power and cogitative power. I ask that the Fire of Holy Spirit bring healing to these parts, to purify them, sanctify them and connect them to Our Lord Jesus.  

​      I now ask the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus to go into my heart.  I ask Jesus to completely flood my heart now with his Most Precious Blood.  If any evil spirits have attached themselves to my heart or oppress it any way, I bind you now and command you in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Most Precious Blood to leave me now and go directly to the foot of the cross.  I call upon the Fire of the Holy Spirit to go into my heart.  I ask the fire of the Holy Spirit to bring healing to my heart, to heal it, purify it, sanctify it and connect it with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 

     I ask for a healing grace for any and all emotional wounds and traumas in my life especially: [name the wound/trauma].  I ask that the Precious Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit heal these wounds and bring me peace.  I willingly forgive all those who have harmed me, including: [name them].  I forgive them from the bottom of my heart and I ask God to bless them.  I accept God's forgiveness for my own sins, including the sins of pornography and impurity.  May God's healing graces flood my heart and heal me.

     In Jesus' name, I sever any unholy ties with individuals in my past, including those whose images I have viewed, or any unholy ties in past generations.  I take back what I gave and give back what I took, in Jesus' name.  May these unholy ties be broken and any resulting sins or weaknesses from these ties be lifted and washed away.  May we all be washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb.  

I ask for a special grace of purity through the intercession of the Virgin of Guadalupe, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Maria Goretti.  May God heal me of this vice.  In the name of Jesus, may I and all who suffer this evil be healed.  In the name of Jesus, may we be at peace.  Amen.