Saint Joseph and The Miraculous Staircase in Loretto

The Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is known for its beautiful Gothic Revival architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and most notably, its miraculous staircase. The staircase, which was constructed in the late 19th century, has puzzled engineers and architects for over a century due to its unique design and the fact that it seemingly defies the laws of physics.

The Loretto Chapel was completed in 1878 and served as a Catholic church and school for the Sisters of Loretto. However, it was missing one crucial element - a staircase leading up to the choir loft. Due to the limited space in the chapel, a traditional staircase was out of the question. According to legend, after invoking St. Joseph the Carpenter's intercession through a novena, a mysterious man with only a donkey, a hammer, and a carpenter's square showed up on the sisters' doorstep on the ninth day, looking for work.

The carpenter was never seen again, and the staircase he built was unlike any other. It has two 360-degree turns with no visible means of support, and it stands 20 feet high without any center support. The staircase was constructed entirely out of wood, and it has no nails or glue holding it together. It is held together by wooden pegs, and the weight of the staircase is distributed through the overlapping joints and the curve of the design.

Many people have tried to explain the staircase's construction, but none have been able to fully understand it. In the late 1800s, engineers concluded that the staircase was structurally unsound and would eventually collapse. However, the staircase has stood for over 140 years and is still standing today.

The staircase's design is not only a mystery, but it also holds symbolic meaning. It has 33 steps, representing the number of years Jesus lived on earth. It also has a double helix design, similar to the DNA structure, which many believe is a nod to St. Joseph's carpentry skills and his ability to manipulate wood.

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

Andrew Mark

Andrew is the Founder of Carry Your Cross. His reversion back to Catholic faith in his 20’s inspired him to help other’s see the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith.

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