The Divine Craftsman


A man must journey through trials and tribulations in this life. His growth does not come easy. The Father is a divine craftsman, using his chisel's edge to cut away the ugly stone that hides our strength and beauty.

When one faces struggle, through spiritual combat, suffering, pain, temptation, or other means, they possess the opportunity for growth. God often gives us these painful experiences to help mold us into a better, holier version of ourselves.

To the drug addict trying his or her hardest to get sober: use this pain, and let God transform this ugliness into great beauty.

To the young man or woman engaging in spiritual combat, fighting temptation in the battle to remain pure: use this struggle. The Lord is chiseling you into His masterpiece.

To you, the reader, struggling to carry your own cross: Embrace it, for God wishes to use this for the good of your soul and His entire Church. Strive for holiness and know that without struggle we do not grow. We see through Christ's life that He transformed suffering into the greatest good with His sacrifice on the cross. He has showed us to do the same.

When we walk through the valley of death, let us fear no evil. Trust in God and envision the divine master, chiseling you piece by piece into the masterpiece you truly are. Will it be painful? Yes. Will it be worth it?

As long as you trust in God. Love Him dearly. He will use this for your growth and salvation. If we don't trust the divine craftsman, we can allow our struggle to become our destruction.

Let us stand strong in the storm. Just like the sculpture of David, we shall come out of the battle standing valiantly someday.

Andrew Mark

Andrew is the Founder of Carry Your Cross. His reversion back to Catholic faith in his 20’s inspired him to help other’s see the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith.

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