Father John Riccardo on Redemptive Suffering


In this video, Father John Riccardo tackles the difficult subject of suffering. I have always been a huge fan of how Father John Riccardo explains difficult to understand subjects such as this one.

Though to the rest of the world you look like you are no longer productive. The reality is, you are the Marines of the Church. Because you are now sharing in a remarkable way in the passion of Christ. And it’s His passion that redeemed the world.

Father John Riccardo

Father John Riccardo also touches upon one of the most mysterious passages from in the Bible.

Colossians 1:24 - “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for the sake of His body, which is the church.”


This is where many people might jump up at this passage in confusion and even anger. I mean really? Christ’s suffering was lacking? The answer is NO. Of course not.

What’s is Paul saying when he says “lacking”? Our participation.

Father John Riccardo, then goes into some incredible examples from his own life, including his own late Mother, may her soul Rest In Peace…living this out.

Watch and listen to Father John, go deeper into how you can carry your cross and unite your pain to Christ’s cross and turn your pain into love.


Andrew Mark

Andrew is the Founder of Carry Your Cross. His reversion back to Catholic faith in his 20’s inspired him to help other’s see the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith.


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