5 Videos to Help You Carry Your Cross


Carrying your cross isn’t a cakewalk.

Fighting temptation and dealing with pain is a battle often leading to confusion, anger, sadness, and impatience. 

In my own life, I have found that personal struggle and pain, although it was painful, always led me back to my faith, and made me rely on Gods strength and not my own.

We must do this in all areas of our lives. 

Here are 5 videos that will inspire you along your journey and show you that your pain can truly have a great purpose. I hope these will motivate you to keep fighting the good fight. 

  1. Embrace Your Suffering - Knight of Columbus

2. How to Pick Up Your Cross - Father Mike Schmitz

3. Why Do We Offer Up Our Suffering - Jackie Angel

4. Temptation is a Gift from God - Father Isaac

5. The Ultimate Suffering Story - Jordan Peterson

Andrew Mark

Andrew is the Founder of Carry Your Cross. His reversion back to Catholic faith in his 20’s inspired him to help other’s see the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith.


Ethan Potter @CatholicWarrior: What Does it Mean to Carry Your Cross?


Father John Riccardo on Redemptive Suffering