Carry Your Cross

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You Have an Enemy

We live in an age where the distinction between good and evil doesn’t seem to exist anymore. If you come by an image of the devil, it’s probably through some sort of skimpy halloween costume with red horns or a peer making a joke about burning in hell. Or even worse, some church leaders have spoken about the Devil merely being a symbol, or an idea. 

The Church teaches that behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy. Scripture and the Church’s Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called Satan. The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God. The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing (CCC # 391).

Listen to any exorcist or anyone who has assisted in an exorcism and they will affirm the reality of this great evil. That’s right. It’s not just in the movies.  Through these accounts from real-life exorcisms, one will come across instances of the possessed person speaking different languages they do not know, having hidden knowledge (yelling peoples unconfessed sins), gaining superhuman strength, or even having extreme hatred to the point of becoming nauseous in front of holy objects (like the Eucharist, Blessed Crosses, Holy Water etc.).

Full possession is the extreme and a rarity if we are being honest. Fr. Ripperger, one of the leading Exorcists in the Church, will see anywhere from 600-800 people a year and anywhere from 2-3 people will be truly possessed. The reason why we bring this up is because often, understanding the extremes of evil can open our eyes to the other ways Satan works.

For example, one main way Satan works is through temptation. He tempts us to do things we know are wrong. We all know that feeling of desiring to do something even when we know it’s wrong. When we continually fall into temptation, we say “YES” to Satan and we turn away from God. The Devil loves this. He wants our destruction. He wants our soul.

Always remember “He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making people believe he doesn’t exist. Modern depictions of the Devil also don’t do him justice. Satan, or his name Lucifer (Angel of Light), was created by God as the most beautiful, strongest, and talented angel in all of Heaven. That is, until he fell from grace and took legions with him. When evil comes in the form of temptation, it appears beautiful. That is, until we fall into sin. Then, the same Devil who invited us to sin so graciously, turns on us and makes us full of shame and guilt. He is the accuser. He is the liar. He is the serpent. 

Flee from him at all costs, and know your enemy. Our culture and some Church leaders want to pretend like it’s a big joke. It’s not. God Bless and Carry Your Cross.