Carry Your Cross

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10 Signs of Porn Addiction

Last updated: March 2024

In a world where XXX content is more accessible than ever, understanding the impact of porn addiction or a nasty porn habit is crucial. Here, we'll highlight key indicators of this addiction, including often ignored signs like erectile dysfunction and social anxiety, and offer a pathway to recovery.

Key Signs of Porn Addiction

  1. Excessive Use: An overwhelming amount of time spent viewing pornography, often at the cost of other important activities or responsibilities. (example: You miss class or a meeting because you are watching porn instead)

  2. Erectile Dysfunction: Difficulties in maintaining or achieving an erection during a real sex, which can be linked to prolonged and excessive consumption of pornography.

  3. Inability to Stop: Consistent failed attempts to cut down or stop using pornography. You’ve tried time after time and you just keep failing.

  4. Secrecy and Social Withdrawal: Hiding the extent of pornography use from others, leading to social withdrawal and increased privacy. You know deep down you should be out socializing but instead you are in your bed with your device.

  5. Neglected Relationships: Deterioration of relationships with partners, family, and friends, often due to the excessive use of porn. You have a hard time starting and building strong relationships with friends, the opposite sex, mentors, etc.

  6. Escalation of Consumption: A need for more frequent or more extreme pornography to achieve the same level of satisfaction. (Example: After you're done watching you say to yourself “what the heck did I just watch” and feel disgusted)

  7. Interference with Daily Life: Pornography use starts impacting work, academic performance, or other daily responsibilities.

  8. Social Anxiety: An increase in anxiety or discomfort in social settings, potentially related to the isolation and secretive nature of the addiction. It’s difficult to approach a potential partner, you feel extremely nervous and have a hard time keeping eye contact.

  9. Physical Side Effects: Experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, reduced physical activity, or neglect of personal hygiene.

  10. Spiritual Side Effects: You feel distant from God. You have not been to confession in a very long time and you are living a life of sin.

Recovery Path

Acknowledging these signs is a crucial step towards recovery. It's essential to understand that seeking help demonstrates courage and commitment to change. Recovery involves comprehensive strategies, including professional counseling, support groups, and sometimes technology.

Special Offer: Covenant Eyes

To support your recovery journey, we offer a 30-day free trial of Covenant Eyes. This software is designed to assist you in overcoming porn addiction by offering accountability and filtering tools. It helps in creating a supportive environment conducive to developing healthy digital habits.

Redeem your 30-day free trial with the code 'CARRYYOURCROSS' at checkout.

Covenant Eyes is more than a content blocker; it’s a community and resource center for regaining control, rebuilding relationships, and restoring self-esteem.


Recognizing the signs of porn addiction is a critical step in regaining control over your life. You are not alone in this battle. With resources like Covenant Eyes and a strong support network, recovery is achievable.

Embark on your recovery path today. Use the code 'CARRYYOURCROSS' for your free trial and begin your journey to a healthier, more empowered life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with porn addiction, we encourage you to seek help. Recovery is a journey, and each step forward marks progress towards a brighter, healthier future.