Stop the Porn Struggle: 5 Practical Tips to Break the Habit
Human beings are habitual creatures. We get very comfortable with our daily routines. If you’re consistently falling into the sin of pornography, ask yourself, “what are my triggers? And how consistently do I encounter these triggers?” If scrolling through Instagram/social media is an every-day trigger, then don’t do it.
Prayer is a Battle
Praying is not easy. This is why many of us “forget” to do it- or don’t have much of a prayer life all. St. Padre Pio said, “Prayer is the best weapon we possess. It is the key that opens the heart of God.”
The Confessional is a Place of Victory
I think we often never truly learned what confession was all about. Often, looking back I thought it was kind of “soft” to do that. “I’m gonna go tell my sins to a priest? For what? The guy would probably run out of the church”.
5 Videos to Help You Carry Your Cross
Here are 5 videos that will inspire you along your journey and show you that your pain can truly have a great purpose. I hope these will motivate you to keep fighting the good fight.
Father John Riccardo on Redemptive Suffering
Father John Riccardo tackles the meaning behind redemptive suffering and shows us how we can turn pain into power.