The Divine Craftsman
A man must journey through trials and tribulations in this life. His growth does not come easy. The Father is a divine craftsman, using his chisel's edge to cut away the ugly stone that hides our strength and beauty.
Don't Believe The Lies
You know what I’m talking about...Growing up it’s all about putting back beers with the boys, getting hammered, sleeping with as many girls as possible, and dabbling in party drugs when you’re young...because, well…”YOU’RE YOUNG, HAVE FUN!” These are some of the biggest lies that many of us are tricked into believing.
Show Me Your Friends. I'll Show You Your Future.
You’re the average of the 5 people you hang around most. That’s not necessarily a good or a bad thing. It’s neutral. If you’re hanging around a bunch of guys who are striving to be saints, then you’re in a good spot. If you’re closest friends don’t care about God, virtue, or anything holy, then they’re most likely rubbing off on you. And that’s a problem.
You Have an Enemy
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making people believe he doesn’t exist.
Boys do what they want to. Men do what they have to.
When does a boy become a man? People have asked this question for a long time. The answers always vary. Some cultures define manhood by age or physical appearance, or by the completion of some sort of rite of passage. But what about in America? Is manhood defined?
Our Culture Hates Truth
It’s terrible how warped our culture has become. There is no such thing as right and wrong anymore! Moral relativism is not only dangerous. It is deadly. It is a false ideology that is destroying souls.
Calling Young Men: Successful Marriages Begin Before Marriage
At many crucial moments in our youth, our virtue is put to the test. In modern society, men are attacked…
Survival Guide for Catholics in High School: 5 Tips for Success When Oppressed
Finding people who think like you think is the most important thing you can do. You need support. Being a Catholic conservative in a predominantly liberal school system can be isolating. You can feel very lonely. Linking up with those like-minded people can bring hope….
Facing Modern Persecution
In the state of California, multiple statues of St. Junípero Serra have been violently torn down. This great missionary also has attracted disdain for his own supposed contributions to colonialism and white supremacy. Yet, the reality of St. Junípero’s life, like St. Damien’s, reveals heroic self-sacrifice.